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All things Faerie: A Feywild Lecture

🌐Language: English
🎤Hosted by:

6 april @ 13:45 15:45

A realm brimming with arcane energy, vibrant colours, untamed nature, enchanting melodies, and mischievous pranks. A place where Fey creatures roam and dance underneath a sky forever caught in twilight. In this lecture, you’ll uncover everything you need to bring the mystical Plane of Faerie to life in your campaigns and backstories!

🌟 Exciting Changes at RINCON This Year! 🌟

To make RINCON run smoother and put less pressure on our amazing volunteers, we’re trying something new!
This year, we will only require RSVP for events that cost money. All other events will be on a walk-in basis until they’re full. So, make sure to plan ahead and arrive on time at the right location to join your favorite event! Please note that live games will still require an RSVP.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to seeing you at RINCON!

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