Opening Speech

🌐Language: English📌Location: Outside Main Stage🎤Hosted by: Queen Ann 👑 **Queen Ann’s Opening Speech** 🎤✨Join us at the start of **RINCON 2025** for a grand and welcoming opening speech from **Queen Ann**, the heart and soul of our convention. 🌟 With their inspiring words, **Queen Ann (they/them)** will kick off the festivities, setting the tone for […]

Mini Painting

🌐Language: English/Dutch📌Location: Crafting Room🎤Hosted by: Studio Ginart Tijdens RINCon begint het avontuur pas echt. Geef je D&D character kleur tijdens een toffe miniatuurschilderworkshop onder deskundige begeleiding van professioneel minischilder Gina Ketelaars. Er is keuze uit allerhande avonturiers of hun trouwe familiars. Ook kun je kiezen voor een speciale beursmini. Zien we jouw character binnenkort met […]


XPS Foam Terrain Crafting

🌐Language: English/Dutch📌Location: Terrain Room🎤Hosted by: RINCON 🌟 XPS Foam Crafting Workshop at RINCON! 🌟 Ever thought, “Building with XPS foam and template rollers is amazing but expensive to start”? Here’s your chance to try it out! Join our XPS Foam Crafting Workshop and craft one of three exciting projects: This workshop is perfect for anyone […]

5 Senses in the Feywild – Immersing your players

🌐Language: English📌Location: Speakerroom🎤Hosted by: Mike Getting lost in a book or a movie feels much like getting lost in a game—but what truly drives immersion, and how can we create it? In this talk, I’ll explore tools, ideas, and concepts to pull your players into a vivid “mind palace,” transforming the roleplaying table into a […]

Nature and Magic: Encounters & Trails

🌐Language: English📌Location: Workshoproom 2🎤Hosted by: Mark – The Wanderer Games Ever wonder how to create natural and magical encounters? How to use fantastical wildlife to your players’ wonder in your TTRPG campaigns? Join us as we take a stroll through the many ways in which you can use the fantastic natural side of fantasy nature […]

Design your own Druid (and other Fantasy characters)

🌐Language: English📌Location: Arts & Crafts Zone🎤Hosted by: Alexia Design your own Druid and other Fantasy Characters, using the basics of character design and a special character creation sheet. Let the dice decide your stats (or not) and let Nature be your muse. COST 20,-

RSVP Now €20.00 20 spots left

Safety tools and intentional play

🌐Language: English📌Location: Workshoproom 1🎤Hosted by: Peter Ever wanted to dig deeper, or it happened by accident, and it turned into a negative experience? You’re not alone. Join our talk about putting intentionality into action, the safety- and conversation tools that get us there–players and GMs alike–and how to put them into practice at your next […]

Kids DnD

🌐Language: Nederlands📌Location: Kids Zone🎤Hosted by: Natchai – Spelslot 🎲 TTRPG voor Kinderen (7-13 jaar) – Avontuur Wacht! 🏰🐉 Ben jij klaar voor een spannend avontuur vol magie, heldhaftige daden en mysterieuze werelden? In deze speciale TTRPG one-shot nemen we kinderen van 7 tot 13 jaar mee op een geweldig verhaal waarin zij de helden zijn! […]

RSVP Now €7,50 3 spots left

On Your Way – Vaessen

🎤GM: Sandra🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 1 Thursday’s Children, that’s what you are sometimes called. People with the Sight, people with the ability to see vaesen. These creatures and people coexisted on these lands for hundreds of years, but the Industrial Revolution (19th century) is disrupting the delicate balance and sometimes it ends […]

Currently full Gratis

Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying

🎤GM: Mark 2🌐Language: NL🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 1 The players will investigate a murder in the Linnean gardens of Upsalla, the famous botanical gardens.Close to your homebase of Castle Gyllenkreutz, can you unravel this mystery on time?  Character creation:Yes players CAN make their own char but I ALSO will bring pregens Rules:- Extra […]

Currently full Gratis

The Wildwood Masquerade – Witch Fated souls

🎤GM: Mark 1 – Tibbletoad Gaming🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 1 In a lush, overgrown realm where nature has intertwined with magic, the Wildwood Masquerade is a fabled festival held by the Fey every century.The carnival is a vibrant explosion of colors, sounds, and enchantment, drawing in curious souls from all corners of […]

Currently full Gratis

Thieves in the Hagwood – Pathfinder 2e

🎤GM: Chrifu – Tumble Through Podcast🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 1 Years ago, the Council of Thieves from the nearby city of Westcrown raided the Hagwood and destroyed nearly every member of a coven of green hags, called the Flies. Now there have been sightings of humans once more in this dark and […]

Currently full Gratis

The Elemental Crucible – D&D5e

🎤GM: Martijn🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 1 A level 20 adventure for 5 players. You are tasked with gathering the pieces of balances to create the heart of balance. Character creation:Yes, players need to make their own char Rules:The players need to create a level 20 character and have access to a very […]

Currently full Gratis

Het wonder van de genade! – Volg Tannhäuser op zijn pelgrimstocht.

🎤GM: Wiekie – Student of ArtEZ University of the Arts🌐Language: NL🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Neuro Live Game Room 1 Na met de godin Venus in zonde te hebben geleefd moet Tannhäuser vergeving vragen bij de Paus. Onderweg moet hij vele beproevingen ondervinden en de verleidingen van Venus weerstaan. Help hem op het rechte pad te blijven […]

RSVP Now Gratis 2 spots left

Damnatio memoriae – DnD 5e

🎤GM: Estelle🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 4📌Location: Neuro Live game room 2 Centuries ago, the city of Crestwood was a capitol worthy of being the center of the world. Nowadays it’s little more than a ruined shadow of its former self. An archeologist is desperate to unearth Crestwoods lost glory before it is gone forever, all the […]

Currently full Gratis

De vervloekte tombe: Stop de vloek, Red Smalvoet – D&D 5e (2014) – 1

🎤GM: Sjoerd🌐Language: NL🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 2 Altijd al met meerdere groepen tegelijk D&D willen spelen? Dat kan! De Tovenaars van de Rijn presenteren “De vervloekte tombe: Stop de vloek, Red Smalvoet”, een avontuur waarin 4 groepen samen 1 gevaarlijke tombe overwinnen om een lich te stoppen.Beschrijving Game:In de straten en kroegen wordt […]

Currently full Gratis

De vervloekte tombe: Stop de vloek, Red Smalvoet – D&D 5e (2014) – 2

🎤GM: Thomas🌐Language: NL🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 2 Altijd al met meerdere groepen tegelijk D&D willen spelen? Dat kan! De Tovenaars van de Rijn presenteren “De vervloekte tombe: Stop de vloek, Red Smalvoet”, een avontuur waarin 4 groepen samen 1 gevaarlijke tombe overwinnen om een lich te stoppen.Beschrijving Game:In de straten en kroegen wordt […]

Currently full Gratis

De vervloekte tombe: Stop de vloek, Red Smalvoet – D&D 5e (2014) – 3

🎤GM: Mass🌐Language: NL🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 2 Altijd al met meerdere groepen tegelijk D&D willen spelen? Dat kan! De Tovenaars van de Rijn presenteren “De vervloekte tombe: Stop de vloek, Red Smalvoet”, een avontuur waarin 4 groepen samen 1 gevaarlijke tombe overwinnen om een lich te stoppen.Beschrijving Game:In de straten en kroegen wordt […]

RSVP Now Gratis 1 spot left

De vervloekte tombe: Stop de vloek, Red Smalvoet – D&D 5e (2014) – 4

🎤GM: Jesper🌐Language: NL🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 2 Altijd al met meerdere groepen tegelijk D&D willen spelen? Dat kan! De Tovenaars van de Rijn presenteren “De vervloekte tombe: Stop de vloek, Red Smalvoet”, een avontuur waarin 4 groepen samen 1 gevaarlijke tombe overwinnen om een lich te stoppen.Beschrijving Game:In de straten en kroegen wordt […]

RSVP Now Gratis 5 spots left

⚔️ Fighting Demonstrations by Bataille! ⚔️

🌐Language: English📌Location: Outside Area – Arena🎤Hosted by: Bataille ⚔️ HEMA Fighting Demonstrations by Bataille! ⚔️ Step back in time and witness the art of historical European sword fighting with Bataille! 🏰✨ Bataille is a Performance & HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) association, dedicated to reviving the combat techniques of the past. Using manuscripts from the […]

🎲 Make Your Own CHONKY D20! 🎲

🌐Language: English/Dutch📌Location: Terrain Room🎤Hosted by: Kay – Legends Unbound 🎲 Make Your Own CHONKY D20! 🎲 Ever wanted to craft your very own *massive, 35mm, glorious D20? Now’s your chance! Join this hands-on workshop and learn the magic of **jesmonite*, a versatile and durable casting material. 🔹 *What to Expect?*- Learn *what jesmonite is* and […]

Currently full €15.00

Happily ever after Royal Temptation – Murder Mystery Game

🎤GM: Sanne🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 18📌Location: SUOD Games Garden Hall table 7 Happily Ever After! Only, less happy than previously planned. The theme of this game is ‘Fairy tales’, and of course love/lust (depending on who you ask).In a country, surprisingly close to home, the extremely hot ✨Prince Charming✨ is thinking about love. He is somewhat […]

RSVP Now Gratis 7 spots left

Verry Berry; The magical (and poisonous) properties of berries

🌐Language: Nederlands📌Location: Speakerroom🎤Hosted by: Marlou – Herbal Hocus Pocus In deze lezing vertel ik je alles over een x-aantal bessen, hun magische, giftige en medicinale eigenschappen. Gaat je party wild plukken? Vanaf nu weet je welke bes je wel of eenmalig in je mond kan stoppen! Of… je bent DM en hebt deze kennis zonder […]

Diversity in TTRPG + Networking

🌐Language: English📌Location: Workshoproom 2🎤Hosted by: Aida – EUphoria APs A talk to to answer some important questions: Why does a diverse TTRPG community matter? Why do we need representation in our games and at our tables? Afterwards, let’s do some networking and make our friend groups and communities more inclusive and diverse. Folx from marginalised […]

Roleplay for beginners

🌐Language: English📌Location: Workshoproom 1🎤Hosted by: Yomi & Celeste Have you finally gathered a group of friends and found a date to play dungeon and dragons together, but are you struggling with actually playing your character confidently? Do you have a hard time portraying your character accurately or are you scared to roleplay in front of […]

Make your own adventure journal! Bookbinding workshop

🌐Language: English📌Location: Arts & Crafts Zone🎤Hosted by: Else Always wanted to know how to make your own notebooks? Whether you want to use it for your ttrpg campaigns, as a travel journal, or sketchbook, this workshop gives you all the basic knowledge you need to make an a5 notebook. You’ll be going home with your […]

Currently full €10.00

The Improvisational DM – Tales, Legends and Mysteries and how to make them

🌐Language: English📌Location: Speakerroom🎤Hosted by: Alex – The Improvisational DM What makes a legend, a legendy, a mystery, a mystery, and what is the difference between a tale and a legend? Come explore this interactive talk where we use your input and experiences and create tales, legends and mysteries together! 🌟 Exciting Changes at RINCON This […]

Kids DnD

🌐Language: Nederlands📌Location: Kids Zone🎤Hosted by: Louis – RINCON 🎲 TTRPG voor Kinderen (7-13 jaar) – Avontuur Wacht! 🏰🐉 Ben jij klaar voor een spannend avontuur vol magie, heldhaftige daden en mysterieuze werelden? In deze speciale TTRPG one-shot nemen we kinderen van 7 tot 13 jaar mee op een geweldig verhaal waarin zij de helden zijn! […]

RSVP Now €7,50 5 spots left

How to start as a DM!

🌐Language: English📌Location: Workshoproom 2🎤Hosted by: Erik Ebbinkhuijsen – The Wholesome DM Always the player or never played before and want your friends to join into the fun of D&D? Join this talk on how to get started in the wonderful word of D&D as a Game master! be the Fey behind the screen and surprise […]

You’re favorite parTEA

🌐Language: English📌Location: Workshoproom 1🎤Hosted by: Marlou – Herbal Hocus Pocus Do you also want to unwind from all the adventures and impressions of RINcon? Join your favorite parTEA for a delightful, calming tea ceremony! Together with me, you’ll dive into the magic of herbal tea (which you’ll create/select yourself in a special way) and relax […]

RSVP Now €15.00 1 spot left

🎲 Make Your Own CHONKY D20! 🎲

🌐Language: English/Dutch📌Location: Terrain Room🎤Hosted by: Kay – Legends Unbound 🎲 Make Your Own CHONKY D20! 🎲 Ever wanted to craft your very own *massive, 35mm, glorious D20? Now’s your chance! Join this hands-on workshop and learn the magic of **jesmonite*, a versatile and durable casting material. 🔹 *What to Expect?*- Learn *what jesmonite is* and […]

Currently full €15.00

⚔️ Fighting Demonstrations by Bataille! ⚔️

🌐Language: English📌Location: Outside Area – Arena🎤Hosted by: Bataille ⚔️ HEMA Fighting Demonstrations by Bataille! ⚔️ Step back in time and witness the art of historical European sword fighting with Bataille! 🏰✨ Bataille is a Performance & HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) association, dedicated to reviving the combat techniques of the past. Using manuscripts from the […]

The Queen’s Rest – Tavern to meet new friends

🌐Language: English📌Location: Workshoproom 2🎤Hosted by: Zoi & Robin RINCON Knights 🍻 The Queen’s Rest – A Tavern to Meet New Friends! 🎲✨Step into **The Queen’s Rest**, a cozy **tavern-style speed meeting event** where adventurers, storytellers, and dice-rolling dreamers come together!🔹 **What is it?** A fun **18+ speed meeting event** where we use **TTRPG-inspired prompts and […]

RSVP Now Free 4 spots left

Craft Your Own Cursed Artifact workshop

🌐Language: English📌Location: Arts & Crafts Zone🎤Hosted by: Keaton Ready to curse your players and get creative? Join the Craft Your Own Cursed Artifact workshop! 🐍💀 In this eerie workshop, you’ll craft your very own pendant using shed skin from (venomous) reptiles. Perfect for your TTRPG campaign, to curse you players and push them to extremes […]

Currently full €7,50

Het Uilenbal – D&D5e

🎤GM: Jelte🌐Language: NL🪑Max players: 6📌Location: Live game room 1 De mist bedekt het hele plein. In de verte klinkt het geluid van uilen en op enkele meters afstand komt een gedaante tevoorschijn met een brede hoed en een leren pestmasker op. Zijn raafachtige gelaat wordt verlicht door een lantaarn die aan een houten staf hangt.Jullie […]

Currently full Gratis

Hunt the Fiend – D&D 5e

🎤GM: Mike🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 4📌Location: Live game room 1 “The Worldroof Mountains loom large, a rugged border between realms of contrasting technology, culture, and ideology. Hidden deep in these towering valleys lie remote hamlets that depend on wandering Wyrdhunters to protect them from unknown dangers. You are one of these Wyrdhunters—a seasoned, battle-worn warrior, called […]

Currently full Gratis

Nes by Glamour – Changeling the Dreaming 20th Anniversary

🎤GM: Sanne🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 4📌Location: Live game room 1 You’ve been having weird dreams lately. Not because of what’s happening in the dreams, that part is totally fine. You’ve been creating chimerical items while dreaming. And while that’s not unheard of, it is really weird that it has happened for a few days in a […]

Currently full Gratis

Cyberpunk RED

🎤GM: Ale🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 4📌Location: Live game room 2 TBD Character creation:No, I will bring pregens Rules: Extra notes:- 🌟 Join the RINCON Discord Community! 🌟 Connect with like-minded adventurers, stay updated with the latest RINCON news, and join our special live game channel to meet and discuss with top GMs! Don’t miss out on […]

RSVP Now Gratis 1 spot left

Werewolf: The Apocalypse

🎤GM: Silvana🌐Language: NL🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 2 Er gebeuren rare, lugubere dingen in Pannenkoekenhuis De Koekenflam. Na hun opening op Veluwezoom gebeuren er steeds vreemdere dingen. Eigenaresse Ingrid van der Struik is ten einde raad. Jullie garou(weerwolven) hebben Veluwezoom als jullie thuis, zijn jullie niet verantwoordelijk voor wat hier gebeurd? Wat kunnen jullie […]

Currently full Gratis

The trees of 111 Oak Street – Badge Quest

🎤GM: Aaron🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 2 It is the end of the cookie selling season and you and your pack have sold almost all of your cookie stock, only 3 pack remain.You end your day as dusk falls on the town, at the gates of 111 Oak Street, a large abandoned mansion […]

RSVP Now Gratis 1 spot left

The whispering Hag – DnD 5e

🎤GM: Ryan🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 2 The merchant Armand Limner’s family is being terrorised by an hag, and he is asking help from adventurers. can you save his family and his soul from this night creature? or is there more going on then you have been told? Character creation:Yes, players need to […]

Currently full Gratis

Throne of Efteling – DnD 5e

🎤GM: Ravenna🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Neuro Live Game Room 1 Setting: This one-shot adventure is a blend of Throne of Eldraine, the fairytale-inspired Magic: The Gathering plane, and Efteling, the Dutch fantasy theme park known for its enchanting and eerie fairytale ambiance. Characters are dropped into a world of wonder, magic, and dark secrets. ” […]

Currently full Gratis

An Enchanted tea party in Thistledown Glade – DND 5 2024 editie

🎤GM: Amy – Crystal Fox Adventures🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 6📌Location: Neuro Live Game Room 2 Setting: Thistledown Glade is known across the Feywild as a place of delight and trickery, home tothe eccentric Archfey known as Dame Pristella, the Mistress of Merriment. She holds anannual tea party that invites powerful Fey, eccentric spirits, and occasionally, a […]

Currently full Gratis

De wonderlijke wereld van Kombucha. Proeven en zelf starten. 1

🌐Language: Nederlands📌Location: Workshoproom 1🎤Hosted by: Robin – Rhenense Brouwerij 🍵 Workshop: Maak Je Eigen Kombucha met Robin van Stadsbrouwerij Rhenen! 🍵 Kombucha Workshop: Geschiedenis, Proeven & Zelf Aan de Slag* Ontdek de fascinerende wereld van kombucha! In deze interactieve workshop duiken we in de geschiedenis van deze eeuwenoude gefermenteerde drank en leren we wat het […]

RSVP Now €15.00 19 spots left

Worldbuilding Masterclass

🌐Language: English📌Location: Speakerroom🎤Hosted by: Josh A masterclass on worldbuilding for DM’s, GM’s, Writers and anyone who wants to learn. 🌟 Exciting Changes at RINCON This Year! 🌟 To make RINCON run smoother and put less pressure on our amazing volunteers, we’re trying something new!This year, we will only require RSVP for events that cost money. […]

Hero Kids TTRPG for 4 – 10 years

🌐Language: Nederlands📌Location: Kids Zone🎤Hosted by: Emo 🎲 TTRPG voor Kinderen (4-10 jaar) – Avontuur Wacht! 🏰🐉 Ben jij klaar voor een spannend avontuur vol magie, heldhaftige daden en mysterieuze werelden? In deze speciale TTRPG one-shot nemen we kinderen van 4 tot 10 jaar mee op een geweldig verhaal waarin zij de helden zijn! Vanaf hun […]

RSVP Now €7,50 4 spots left

🎲 Make Your Own CHONKY D20! 🎲

🌐Language: English/Dutch📌Location: Terrain Room🎤Hosted by: Kay – Legends Unbound 🎲 Make Your Own CHONKY D20! 🎲 Ever wanted to craft your very own *massive, 35mm, glorious D20? Now’s your chance! Join this hands-on workshop and learn the magic of **jesmonite*, a versatile and durable casting material. 🔹 *What to Expect?*- Learn *what jesmonite is* and […]

Currently full €15.00

Neurodiversiteit als sterkste troef in jouw game

🌐Language: Nederlands📌Location: Workshoproom 2🎤Hosted by: Mandy Mandy is holistisch coach voor mensen met o.a. ADHD en HSP. Zij heeft een positieve kijk op neurodiversiteit en heeft als missie om organisaties te leren hoe zij hier beter mee om kunnen gaan zodat ieders unieke talenten beter benut worden. Bovendien is zij host van het maandelijkse ADHD-café in Nijmegen.In […]

Onwards to the cross stitching keychain quest!!

🌐Language: English📌Location: Arts & Crafts Zone🎤Hosted by: Marjolein Wanting to create a cute keychain with a traditional form of pixelart? Than look no further! Marjolein of La Centauresse will host a cross stitch workshop. During the workshop first you will get an explanation about some basic stitching followed by working on your keychain. Costs of […]

RSVP Now €10.00 9 spots left

How to prepare an amazing story

🌐Language: English📌Location: Workshoproom 1🎤Hosted by: Everafter print You have an idea for a story, but you’re not sure where to start. Sounds familiar? We’re here to help! In this workshop, we’ll give you tools so you feel ready to write. You’ll learn how useful story structures are, and how to create an amazing story. Whether […]

Happily ever after Royal Temptation – Murder Mystery Game

🎤GM: Sanne🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 18📌Location: SUOD Games Garden Hall table 7 Happily Ever After! Only, less happy than previously planned. The theme of this game is ‘Fairy tales’, and of course love/lust (depending on who you ask).In a country, surprisingly close to home, the extremely hot ✨Prince Charming✨ is thinking about love. He is somewhat […]

RSVP Now Gratis 12 spots left

All things Faerie: A Feywild Lecture

🌐Language: English📌Location: Speakerroom🎤Hosted by: Epril A realm brimming with arcane energy, vibrant colours, untamed nature, enchanting melodies, and mischievous pranks. A place where Fey creatures roam and dance underneath a sky forever caught in twilight. In this lecture, you’ll uncover everything you need to bring the mystical Plane of Faerie to life in your campaigns […]

Play by Post: TTRPGs in a Whole New Way!

🌐Language: English📌Location: Workshoproom 1🎤Hosted by: Zoi 🎭 Play by Post: TTRPGs in a Whole New Way! 🎭 Ever wanted to play TTRPGs but struggle to find the time for long in-person or online sessions? Play by Post (PbP) might be the perfect solution for you! In this talk, we’ll dive into:📝 What is Play by […]

🧹✨ Kids on Brooms – Magisch Avontuur voor Jonge Tovenaars! (7-13 jaar) 🏫🔮

🌐Language: Nederlands📌Location: Kids Zone🎤Hosted by: Mark 1 – Tibbletoad Gaming 🧹✨ Kids on Brooms – Magisch Avontuur voor Jonge Tovenaars! 🏫🔮 In Kids on Brooms stap je in de schoenen van een jonge heks of tovenaar op een magische school vol geheimen en avontuur! 🏰📜 Samen met je vrienden ontdek je verborgen spreuken, zweef je […]

RSVP Now €7,50 4 spots left

Level up your rollplay

🌐Language: English📌Location: Workshoproom 1🎤Hosted by: Stan “when ou walk into the hallway, the room is ”magically” dark (so, no darkvision guys!). at the end of the hallway you see a tall human shaped figure standig still like a staue. very slow their hand is coming up, pointing at you…..”come to me”…..they say, whith a cracking […]

RSVP Now €5.00 17 spots left

Announcement the FIT Winner & Saturday Costume Competition Winners

🌐Language: English📌Location: Outside Main Stage🎤Hosted by: Queen Ann 👑 Queen Ann Announces the FIT Winner & Saturday Costume Competition Winners 🎭✨ The moment you’ve all been waiting for! Join Queen Ann as they announce the FIT Winner, the special contest where vendors showcase their creativity in the theme of the year. Who will take home […]

🎲 Make Your Own CHONKY D20! 🎲

🌐Language: English/Dutch📌Location: Terrain Room🎤Hosted by: Kay – Legends Unbound 🎲 Make Your Own CHONKY D20! 🎲 Ever wanted to craft your very own *massive, 35mm, glorious D20? Now’s your chance! Join this hands-on workshop and learn the magic of **jesmonite*, a versatile and durable casting material. 🔹 *What to Expect?*- Learn *what jesmonite is* and […]

Currently full €15.00

🧙‍♂️ Craft Your Own Mimic or Spellbook! 🎨📖

🌐Language: English/Dutch📌Location: Arts & Craft Zone🎤Hosted by: RINCON 🧙‍♂️ Craft Your Own Mimic or Spellbook! 🎨📖 Ever wanted to create your **own mischievous mimic** or a **spellbook worthy of a true adventurer**? Now’s your chance! For just **€10**, you can join this hands-on crafting workshop and:🦷 **Make Your Own Mimic** – Bring a tiny treasure […]

Currently full €10.00


🎤GM: Kevin – Critical Terrain🌐Language: NL🪑Max players: 4📌Location: Live game room 1 My one shots will be a creative exercise in using tabletop terrain as players Character creation:No, I will bring pregens Rules:- Extra notes:- 🌟 Join the RINCON Discord Community! 🌟 Connect with like-minded adventurers, stay updated with the latest RINCON news, and join […]

Currently full Gratis

Feywild over WiFi: Running an Online RPG Table

🌐Language: Nederlands📌Location: Workshoproom 2🎤Hosted by: Matt The virtual table doesn’t have to feel distant! Whether you’re an seasoned storyteller adapting to online play or just starting your journey into remote gaming, an experienced GM offers tips to connect with players, keep their attention and handle technical challenges without breaking immersion. Whether you play on a […]

Opening Speech

🌐Language: English📌Location: Outside Main Stage🎤Hosted by: Queen Ann 👑 **Queen Ann’s Opening Speech** 🎤✨Join us at the start of the second day of **RINCON 2025** for a grand and welcoming opening speech from **Queen Ann**, the heart and soul of our convention. 🌟 With their inspiring words, **Queen Ann (they/them)** will kick off the festivities, […]

XPS Foam Terrain Crafting

🌐Language: English/Dutch📌Location: Terrain Room🎤Hosted by: RINCON 🌟 XPS Foam Crafting Workshop at RINCON! 🌟 Ever thought, “Building with XPS foam and template rollers is amazing but expensive to start”? Here’s your chance to try it out! Join our XPS Foam Crafting Workshop and craft one of three exciting projects: This workshop is perfect for anyone […]

Mini Painting

🌐Language: English/Dutch📌Location: Crafting Room🎤Hosted by: Studio Ginart Tijdens RINCon begint het avontuur pas echt. Geef je D&D character kleur tijdens een toffe miniatuurschilderworkshop onder deskundige begeleiding van professioneel minischilder Gina Ketelaars. Er is keuze uit allerhande avonturiers of hun trouwe familiars. Ook kun je kiezen voor een speciale beursmini. Zien we jouw character binnenkort met […]


An Introduction to the West Marches

🌐Language: English📌Location: Speakerroom🎤Hosted by: Jan Frans How to beat TTRPG’s final boss: The Calendar! Welcome to the West Marches, an uncharted territory on the outskirts of civilization. A group of infinite adventurers stand ready to map the wastes and explore the new frontier! In this type of campaign, your players decide where to go, who […]

You’re favorite parTEA

🌐Language: English📌Location: Workshoproom 1🎤Hosted by: Marlou – Herbal Hocus Pocus Do you also want to unwind from all the adventures and impressions of RINcon? Join your favorite parTEA for a delightful, calming tea ceremony! Together with me, you’ll dive into the magic of herbal tea (which you’ll create/select yourself in a special way) and relax […]

RSVP Now €15.00 9 spots left

🧙‍♂️ Craft Your Own Mimic or Spellbook! 🎨📖

🌐Language: English/Dutch📌Location: Arts & Craft Zone🎤Hosted by: RINCON 🧙‍♂️ Craft Your Own Mimic or Spellbook! 🎨📖 Ever wanted to create your **own mischievous mimic** or a **spellbook worthy of a true adventurer**? Now’s your chance! For just **€10**, you can join this hands-on crafting workshop and:🦷 **Make Your Own Mimic** – Bring a tiny treasure […]

Currently full €10.00

Play by Post: TTRPGs in a Whole New Way!

🌐Language: English📌Location: Workshoproom 2🎤Hosted by: Zoi 🎭 Play by Post: TTRPGs in a Whole New Way! 🎭 Ever wanted to play TTRPGs but struggle to find the time for long in-person or online sessions? Play by Post (PbP) might be the perfect solution for you! In this talk, we’ll dive into:📝 What is Play by […]

Only Forever, Not Long At All – Jim Henson’s Labyrinth – The Adventure Game

🎤GM: Matt🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 4📌Location: Neuro Live game room 2 “Through dangers untold. And hardships unnumbered. I have fought my way here to the castle; beyond the goblin city, to take back the child that you have stolen. My will is as strong as yours, and my kingdom as great. You have no power over […]

Currently full Gratis

Kids DnD – Animal party

🌐Language: Nederlands📌Location: Kids Zone🎤Hosted by: Austin 🎲 TTRPG voor Kinderen (7-13 jaar) – Avontuur Wacht! 🏰🐉 Ben jij klaar voor een spannend avontuur vol magie, heldhaftige daden en mysterieuze werelden? In deze speciale TTRPG one-shot nemen we kinderen van 7 tot 13 jaar mee op een geweldig verhaal waarin zij de helden zijn! Game met […]

RSVP Now €7,50 1 spot left

The Wildwood Masquerade – Witch Fated souls

🎤GM: Mark 1 – Tibbletoad Gaming🌐Language: NL🪑Max players: 6📌Location: Live game room 1 In a lush, overgrown realm where nature has intertwined with magic, the Wildwood Masquerade is a fabled festival held by the Fey every century.The carnival is a vibrant explosion of colors, sounds, and enchantment, drawing in curious souls from all corners of […]

RSVP Now Gratis 1 spot left

The Hag and The Stag – Tiny Dungeon 2e

🎤GM: Zosephine🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 6📌Location: Live game room 1 Every spring, a hidden valley becomes the site of a festival celebrating the spirit of the local woods, ushering in the new season. When this noble stag is stolen by a cackling old witch, it’s up to a group of visiting adventurers to save it! Character […]

Currently full Gratis

Nes by Glamour – Changeling the Dreaming 20th Anniversary

🎤GM: Sanne🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 4📌Location: Live game room 1 You’ve been having weird dreams lately. Not because of what’s happening in the dreams, that part is totally fine. You’ve been creating chimerical items while dreaming. And while that’s not unheard of, it is really weird that it has happened for a few days in a […]

RSVP Now Gratis 1 spot left

Werewolf: The Apocalypse

🎤GM: Silvana🌐Language: NL🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 1 Er gebeuren rare, lugubere dingen in Pannenkoekenhuis De Koekenflam. Na hun opening op Veluwezoom gebeuren er steeds vreemdere dingen. Eigenaresse Ingrid van der Struik is ten einde raad. Jullie garou(weerwolven) hebben Veluwezoom als jullie thuis, zijn jullie niet verantwoordelijk voor wat hier gebeurd? Wat kunnen jullie […]

Currently full Gratis

Murder in the court – D&D 5e

🎤GM: Ollie🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 4📌Location: Neuro Live game room 1 “You’re invited to the feywild to join a lavish dinner party and masked ball at a large mansion. You and your fellow party members are excited to join the festivities but the mood turns sour quickly when you find the body of one of the […]

Currently full Gratis

Fey Knight – The Troubleshooters

🎤GM: Frank🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 2 European Comic book real world 60’s setting. adventurers getting a glimpse of the Fey wild in Ireland. the promis of a wealth & knowledge also attracks people with criminal intent Character creation:Yes players CAN make their own char but I ALSO will bring pregens Rules:Characters based […]

RSVP Now Gratis 3 spots left

The Elemental Crucible – D&D5e

🎤GM: Martijn🌐Language: NL🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 2 A level 20 adventure for 5 players. You are tasked with gathering the pieces of balances to create the heart of balance. Character creation:Yes, players need to make their own char Rules:The players need to create a level 20 character and have access to a very […]

RSVP Now Gratis 1 spot left

Goblin Chaos – DND5e

🎤GM: Rohan🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 4📌Location: Live game room 2 This particular oneshot is a weird and fun ride, the party will be playing as a group of goblins trying to stop an adventuring party from gaining an obscure and mystical object called… EXP??? Character creation:We will do character creation together on the day Rules: Extra […]

Currently full Gratis

Do fey wear shoes? – Dragonbane

🎤GM: Koen – Skoen’s Tavern🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 2 Strange beings are making mischief in the small towns. the group needs to investigate and stop these shenanigans. Character creation:Yes players CAN make their own char but I ALSO will bring pregens Rules: Extra notes:Dice are always handy 🌟 Join the RINCON Discord […]

RSVP Now Gratis 3 spots left

⚔️ Fighting Demonstrations by Bataille! ⚔️

🌐Language: English📌Location: Outside Area – Arena🎤Hosted by: Bataille ⚔️ HEMA Fighting Demonstrations by Bataille! ⚔️ Step back in time and witness the art of historical European sword fighting with Bataille! 🏰✨ Bataille is a Performance & HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) association, dedicated to reviving the combat techniques of the past. Using manuscripts from the […]

🎲 Make Your Own CHONKY D20! 🎲

🌐Language: English/Dutch📌Location: Terrain Room🎤Hosted by: Kay – Legends Unbound 🎲 Make Your Own CHONKY D20! 🎲 Ever wanted to craft your very own *massive, 35mm, glorious D20? Now’s your chance! Join this hands-on workshop and learn the magic of **jesmonite*, a versatile and durable casting material. 🔹 *What to Expect?*- Learn *what jesmonite is* and […]

RSVP Now €15.00 1 spot left

Happily ever after Royal Temptation – Murder Mystery Game

🎤GM: Sanne🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 18📌Location: SUOD Games Garden Hall table 7 Happily Ever After! Only, less happy than previously planned. The theme of this game is ‘Fairy tales’, and of course love/lust (depending on who you ask).In a country, surprisingly close to home, the extremely hot ✨Prince Charming✨ is thinking about love. He is somewhat […]

RSVP Now Gratis 17 spots left

Worldbuilding Masterclass

🌐Language: English📌Location: Speakerroom🎤Hosted by: Josh A masterclass on worldbuilding for DM’s, GM’s, Writers and anyone who wants to learn. 🌟 Exciting Changes at RINCON This Year! 🌟 To make RINCON run smoother and put less pressure on our amazing volunteers, we’re trying something new!This year, we will only require RSVP for events that cost money. […]

The Queen’s Rest – Tavern to meet new friends

🌐Language: English📌Location: Workshoproom 2🎤Hosted by: Zoi & Robin RINCON Knights 🍻 The Queen’s Rest – A Tavern to Meet New Friends! 🎲✨Step into **The Queen’s Rest**, a cozy **tavern-style speed meeting event** where adventurers, storytellers, and dice-rolling dreamers come together!🔹 **What is it?** A fun **18+ speed meeting event** where we use **TTRPG-inspired prompts and […]

RSVP Now Free 13 spots left

Craft Your Own Cursed Artifact workshop

🌐Language: English📌Location: Arts & Crafts Zone🎤Hosted by: Keaton Ready to curse your players and get creative? Join the Craft Your Own Cursed Artifact workshop! 🐍💀 In this eerie workshop, you’ll craft your very own pendant using shed skin from (venomous) reptiles. Perfect for your TTRPG campaign, to curse you players and push them to extremes […]

RSVP Now €7,50 11 spots left

How to thrift your cosplay!

🌐Language: English📌Location: Workshoproom 2🎤Hosted by: Celina – Studio Fior Have you ever wanted to make a cosplay of one of your characters, or an existing character, but dont know where to start? In this talk i show you how i approach thrifting for cosplay and making a costume with minimal sewing skills! 🌟 Exciting Changes […]

Kids DnD

🌐Language: Nederlands📌Location: Kids Zone🎤Hosted by: Ray – Spelslot 🎲 TTRPG voor Kinderen (7-13 jaar) – Avontuur Wacht! 🏰🐉 Ben jij klaar voor een spannend avontuur vol magie, heldhaftige daden en mysterieuze werelden? In deze speciale TTRPG one-shot nemen we kinderen van 7 tot 13 jaar mee op een geweldig verhaal waarin zij de helden zijn! […]

RSVP Now €7,50 5 spots left

De wonderlijke wereld van Kombucha. Proeven en zelf starten. 2

🌐Language: Nederlands📌Location: Workshoproom 1🎤Hosted by: Robin – Rhenense Brouwerij 🍵 Workshop: Maak Je Eigen Kombucha met Robin van Stadsbrouwerij Rhenen! 🍵 Kombucha Workshop: Geschiedenis, Proeven & Zelf Aan de Slag* Ontdek de fascinerende wereld van kombucha! In deze interactieve workshop duiken we in de geschiedenis van deze eeuwenoude gefermenteerde drank en leren we wat het […]

RSVP Now €15.00 20 spots left

Map Drawing Workshop

🌐Language: English📌Location: Workshoproom 2🎤Hosted by: Marieke – Maps by Marieke Map Drawing Workshop , more info coming soon 🌟 Exciting Changes at RINCON This Year! 🌟 To make RINCON run smoother and put less pressure on our amazing volunteers, we’re trying something new!This year, we will only require RSVP for events that cost money. All […]

All things Faerie: A Feywild Lecture

🌐Language: English📌Location: Speakerroom🎤Hosted by: Epril A realm brimming with arcane energy, vibrant colours, untamed nature, enchanting melodies, and mischievous pranks. A place where Fey creatures roam and dance underneath a sky forever caught in twilight. In this lecture, you’ll uncover everything you need to bring the mystical Plane of Faerie to life in your campaigns […]

Onwards to the cross stitching keychain quest!!

🌐Language: English📌Location: Arts & Crafts Zone🎤Hosted by: Marjolein Wanting to create a cute keychain with a traditional form of pixelart? Than look no further! Marjolein of La Centauresse will host a cross stitch workshop. During the workshop first you will get an explanation about some basic stitching followed by working on your keychain. Costs of […]

RSVP Now €10.00 13 spots left

🎲 Make Your Own CHONKY D20! 🎲

🌐Language: English/Dutch📌Location: Terrain Room🎤Hosted by: Kay – Legends Unbound 🎲 Make Your Own CHONKY D20! 🎲 Ever wanted to craft your very own *massive, 35mm, glorious D20? Now’s your chance! Join this hands-on workshop and learn the magic of **jesmonite*, a versatile and durable casting material. 🔹 *What to Expect?*- Learn *what jesmonite is* and […]

RSVP Now €15.00 8 spots left

An Enchanted tea party in Thistledown Glade – DND 5 2024 editie

🎤GM: Amy – Crystal Fox Adventures🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 6📌Location: Neuro Live game room 2 Thistledown Glade is known across the Feywild as a place of delight and trickery, home tothe eccentric Archfey known as Dame Pristella, the Mistress of Merriment. She holds anannual tea party that invites powerful Fey, eccentric spirits, and occasionally, a few […]

Currently full Gratis

The Improvisational DM – Tales, Legends and Mysteries and how to make them

🌐Language: English📌Location: Workshoproom 1🎤Hosted by: Alex – The Improvisational DM What makes a legend, a legendy, a mystery, a mystery, and what is the difference between a tale and a legend? Come explore this interactive talk where we use your input and experiences and create tales, legends and mysteries together! 🌟 Exciting Changes at RINCON […]

⚔️ Fighting Demonstrations by Bataille! ⚔️

🌐Language: English📌Location: Outside Area – Arena🎤Hosted by: Bataille ⚔️ HEMA Fighting Demonstrations by Bataille! ⚔️ Step back in time and witness the art of historical European sword fighting with Bataille! 🏰✨ Bataille is a Performance & HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts) association, dedicated to reviving the combat techniques of the past. Using manuscripts from the […]

Nature and Magic: Encounters & Trails

🌐Language: Nederlands📌Location: Workshoproom 2🎤Hosted by: Mark – The Wanderer Games Ever wonder how to create natural and magical encounters? How to use fantastical wildlife to your players’ wonder in your TTRPG campaigns? Join us as we take a stroll through the many ways in which you can use the fantastic natural side of fantasy nature […]

Thieves in the Hagwood – Pathfinder 2e

🎤GM: Chrifu – Tumble Through Podcast🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 1 Years ago, the Council of Thieves from the nearby city of Westcrown raided the Hagwood and destroyed nearly every member of a coven of green hags, called the Flies. Now there have been sightings of humans once more in this dark and […]

RSVP Now Gratis 1 spot left

The trees of 111 Oak Street – Badge Quest

🎤GM: Aaron🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 5📌Location: Live game room 1 It is the end of the cookie selling season and you and your pack have sold almost all of your cookie stock, only 3 pack remain.You end your day as dusk falls on the town, at the gates of 111 Oak Street, a large abandoned mansion […]

RSVP Now Gratis 3 spots left

A Fae Deal – DnD 5e

🎤GM: Tony🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 6📌Location: Live game room 1 “In the bountiful valley known as the Mother’s Womb, the veil between our world and the Elven Primeval realms is as thin as the patience of a Goliath during a drinking contest. This makes it even more dangerous when going off the beaten path in search […]

Currently full Gratis

Faerie Much In Love – Bro, is it gay to dock?

🎤GM: Lucas🌐Language: ENG🪑Max players: 6📌Location: Live game room 1 “Prinx Beauberon, the most eligible (and eternally single) bachelor of the Baewild, is searching for their one true love—and what better way to do so than with a reality dating show? Glittervision Studios presents ‘Faerie Much In Love’! Do YOU have what it takes to win […]

Currently full Gratis
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